Crafting amazing Single Player Experiences with heart

Building from India, Building for the world

Enchating worlds, Immersive gameplay, Lots of Heart

We are a small indie studio based out of Bangalore, India. We are dreamers and builders in equal measure. We are gamers, artists, tinkerers, writers, coders and movie buffs and wear many different hats, but ultimately we understood that making video games is where all our talents and passions align.

We want to build memorable and engaging single-player experiences deeply inspired by the “Indian Aesthetic” and has well thought out and amazing gameplay. We dont believe in digital coins and instead believe that playing an enjoyable game is the reward in itself.

Introducing “SURI: The Seventh Note”

We are proud to announce “SURI: The Seventh Note” as the first commercial game developed by Tathvamasi Studios. SURI is a 2D Metroidvania set in mythical India with a unique rhythmic twist. The world and music of SURI are inspired by the rich and diverse Indian landscape and the folklore and music heard across the country. You could see and hear things inspired by the ancient forts of Rajasthan to the serene mountain temples atop the Himalayas.

Suri is the product of our blood, sweat and tears and made with all the passion we have in our hearts. We hope you like it. Checkout

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